The League of Extraordinary Packages

Our Packages:

Presented by The League of Extraordinary Packages

Getting Started



Terminal Objects


You can chain any of the above to get what you want:

$climate->backgroundBlue()->green()->blink()->out('This may be a little hard to read.');

Feeling wild? Just throw them all into one method:

$climate->backgroundBlueGreenBlink('This may be a little hard to read.');

You can apply more than one format to an output, but only one foreground and one background color. Unless you useā€¦


You can also apply a color/background color/format to just part of an output:

$climate->blue('Please <light_red>remember</light_red> to restart the server.');
$climate->out('Remember to use your <blink><yellow>blinker</yellow></blink> when turning.');

You can use any of the color or formatting keywords (snake cased) as tags.

To use a background color tag, simply prepend the color with background_:

$climate->blue('Please <bold><background_light_red>remember</background_light_red></bold> to restart the server.');